Kathryn Adisman

Kathryn Adisman Pic (426 x 600)Kathryn Adisman (“K”) is a Manhattan writer/raconteur with a background in theatre, poetry, and dance. “Unready to be named” was her high school yearbook quote – which proved prophetic. Anonymous, handmaiden to the stars, she served as a copy editor until 2008 at People. In January, K produced her first show, “Tapping into New York,” at Cornelia Street Café. A veteran of the Saturn series, abc no rio, and Monologues and Madness readings, she has contributed theater reviews to The Front Row Center and downtown stories to The Villager. K is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner and has taught Awareness Through Movement classes since 2010 at Coles Sports & Recreation Center, which NYU plans to demolish. A passionate defender of Place, she created the virtual mini-tour: “K’s New York: Going, Going, Gone” for City Lore’s City of Memory website. Serendipity Kid could be her moniker, because – to quote Billie Holiday (another Aries) – “Everything happens to me!” K belongs to the Writers Room and wishes to thank Terri for this opportunity to read at WORD.
