Hope Killcoyne

selfieHope Lourie Killcoyne has won national and international awards for promos she wrote and produced while at WNET/PBS. She has been similarly lauded for her photography, much of which has been dubbed “environmental portraiture.” (That is, in situ photos featuring stars of Hollywood, stars of the streets, and stars of the stables. [FYI: Llamas do NOT cotton to close-ups.])  Additionally, having been an executive editor in educational publishing since the days of dinosaurs (Dino, Barney, et al.)—Killcoyne has edited hundreds of books, both fiction and nonfiction. She’s also written a few, her two favorites being The Lost Village of Central Park (soon to be an e-book) and Anne Frank: Heroic Diarist of the Holocaust. As a nascent app and front-end web developer, Hope is currently updating her own photography website as well as creating a photo-based app. She’ll be appearing on Manhattan Neighborhood Network TV sometime this fall to talk about her work.

You can learn more about Hope Lourie Killcoyne at the photographic work-in progress that is http://hopelouriekillcoyne.me, see her HONY-esque IG at https://www.instagram.com/hopekillcoyne/, and check out her books at https://www.amazon.com/Hope-Lourie-Killcoyne/e/B001K83A3A.
